What is Traditional Asian Medicine? What is Acupuncture?
Traditional Asian Medicine is an alternative medical system that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is a time tested and sophisticated form of medicine that encompasses tongue and pulse diagnosis, herbal medicine, acupuncture, exercise and breathwork, and dietary medicine.
Acupuncture is used to address dis-ease by using hairthin needles to stimulate areas on the body called acupuncture points. There are hundreds of acupuncture points on the body that follow pathways or “meridians”. Points along the meridians correspond with different organ systems and are carefully selected to treat the issue at hand. By stimulating points along the meridians, acupuncture is used to bring the body back to its healthy state of balance.
In Chinese Medicine theory, disharmonies in the body are caused by disruptions in the flow of energy or “Qi” in the body. Throughout life, we encounter experiences, various types of illnesses, and hardships that effect our body’s state of qi. The human experience is unique to everyone, which is why people present with different of disharmonies or imbalances. Chinese Medicine addresses individual states of disharmony and treats accordingly. A pill for an ill does not exist in the framework of this medicine. No two people will receive the same acupuncture treatment or herbal prescription.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture should not be a painful experience. How acupuncture feels will vary depending on your condition and where the needles are inserted. Most patients report the sensation of a dull ache. If you find you are sensitive, your acupuncturist can work with you to achieve a comfortable experience. Overall most patients do not consider acupuncture to be painful and they find the benefits outweigh any discomfort.
How should I dress for my appointment? Prepare?
Wear comfortable clothes, ideally something that stretches to allow access to your arms and legs. Gowns are available as well. Its best to have eaten a meal a few hours prior to a treatment. Its best to avoid caffeine a few hours before your treatment. For your first appointment, bring any relevant medical information: recent lab tests or imaging studies (MRI, X-Rays), and a list of medications/supplements you currently take.
How long is a session?
The first session will typically take 1.5 hours depending on your medical history and if a physical exam is needed. Follow up sessions are shorter, lasting around 1 hour.
How will I feel after acupuncture?
After an acupuncture treatment people commonly feel a sense of calm, improved mental clarity, increased energy, better digestion and better sleep. Fatigue is another feeling that comes up. This is a sign from your body that you would benefit from more rest.
Will there be side effects?
Acupuncture is very safe and generally side effect free. You may feel a subtle soreness on body parts where needles were in place, or bruising if you tend to bruise easily. Let your practitioner know if you feel lightheaded- this is due to acupunctures effects of lowering blood pressure.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments depends on your condition and your health goals. Typically results are seen within a few visits. Try to commit to 6-8 treatments before you make an opinion about its efficacy. Keep in mind that you can speed up your healing time by complying with diet, lifestyle, herb and supplement recommendations.
Will my insurance plan cover acupuncture?
Most insurance plans in California have acupuncture coverage. To determine your coverage, call your insurer directly or send a photograph of the front and back of your insurance card along with your date of birth to acupuncture@kathleenmanza.com and we will check your benefits for you.
What if I don’t have insurance coverage?
I work with every patient to keep treatment costs within their health-care budget. I accept cash, check, credit/debit cards and health savings accounts.